Alec Porter, VP of Revenue Operations at Lead & Gain, brings over a decade of recruitment experience spanning the UK and the US. With a deep...
Ask the Expert: Why UK recruiters should explore contract opportunities in the US
Alec Porter, VP of Revenue Operations at Lead & Gain, brings over a decade of recruitment experience spanning the UK and the US. With a deep...
9 potential legal pitfalls to be aware of when you enter the US recruitment market
With the US accounting for almost a third of the global staffing market's total revenue, it presents significant opportunities for those looking to expand their operations internationally. The American recruitment market is particularly attractive to ambitious...
Lead & Gain partners up with Timesheet Portal to add new solution to offering
Lead & Gain has recently partnered with Timesheet Portal to provide a new comprehensive timekeeping solution through their in-house software. The solution ensures compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by mandating that all Lead & Gain contractors...
What services can an EOR provide for your recruitment business?
As businesses expand globally and the workforce becomes more remote, companies increasingly rely on Employer of Record (EOR) services to manage their international, and in the US out of state employees, efficiently and compliantly. EOR services provide a range of...
Essential partners that can support your business in the US recruitment market – Part 2
When setting up in the US, recruitment firms can benefit from partnering with service providers that support their operational requirements. These include organizations that help with insurance, compliance, tax and administrative tasks to name a few. Our previous...
5 essential partners that can support your business in the US recruitment market
When starting operations in the US, recruitment firms can benefit from collaborating with various businesses and service providers that support their operational needs. These include organizations that help with compliance, administrative tasks, and funding. Here are...
EOR vs PEO: Finding the Right Fit for Your Business
In today's interconnected world, building and managing a global workforce is essential for many businesses. Employer of Record (EOR) and Professional Employer Organization (PEO) partners play a crucial role in helping companies manage teams across the world. But what...
7 questions you need to ask your EOR before you start working together
1. What countries or regions do you operate in? It may seem obvious, but it's crucial to know if the EOR operates in the countries or regions where you plan to hire. This ensures they have the necessary expertise and infrastructure to support your recruitment efforts...
10 regulations you need to be aware of if you recruit in the US
Once you’ve entered the US market, you need to be aware of several important regulations to ensure compliance and fair hiring practices. Why it’s important to understand employment regulations in the US Compliance - failure to comply with employment laws and...